Eaulmont Richelieu

Dragonsong Veteran & Chirurgeon

Crystal - Balmung

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Elezen (Ishgard)

  • Age: Adult

  • Height: 6'8"

  • Weight: 175 Ponz

  • Eye Colour: Light Blue

  • Hair: Blonde

  • Faith: Halone

  • Birthplace: Foundation, Ishgard

  • Residence: The Empyreum (Balmung 14th Ward, Plot 39)

  • Orientation: Heterosexual


Hail from the Holy See of Ishgard, Eaulmont was born into the minor noble house of Richelieu. Growing up in a time of war wasn't easy, and he knew he'd eventually be called to do his part for his country. The thought of having to fight for his country never scared him, in fact he looked forward to it. Taking up the sword as any proud Ishgardian should, in the defense of their home. His parent's however had a different idea. Ever fearing the loss of their only son, they sent him to study with the Chirurgeons and to become a healer, hoping this would save him from the battlefield.At first Eaulmont despised the fact of being sent away to become a healer. Many sons and daughters of Ishgard were fighting in the war, why should he be kept away because of his parents fears. He wanted to help people, but by taking up the sword and making a name for himself in the history books of his great nation.It wasn't long into his training and studies with the Chirurgeons, that Eaulmont took to his task with a happier point of view. He was able to do his part by helping his fellow Ishgardians, by tending to their wounds and making sure they either got back to their families or to the field. He had found his purpose and knew that it was what he was meant to do.As the war raged on, the call was sent out for more battlefield healers. Eaulmont having been trained in combat from a young age, volunteered. It wasn't the thought of battle however, that caused him to volunteer. It was the thought of being able to save more lives, with his new found training and abilities. Little did he know however, that this decision would severely change his life as he knew it. It was on the Frontlines during a patrol mission, where heretics set upon his company, and it is in this ambush, that he'd be wounded and lose the vision in his left eye.


01. !OOC == IC!
IC interactions are not OOC. I am not looking for romantic OOC connections. I do enjoy making new friends and circles, treat me with respect and you'll make a quick new friend.

02. I enjoy long term, organic developing IC interactions. This does not mean I'm opposed to one offs, however I'll take priority over those wanting to build something in the long term.

03. Boundaries are important to me. Eaulmont is a free spirit and has multiple IC relationships. Possessiveness isn't something that's going to fly. Everyone is on equal foot and I try to spread my time as best as I can. I try my best to be communicative, and don't have any issues with reaching out if I feel uncomfortable, and encourage others to do the same.

04. I enjoy writing mature themes. This does have it's limitations, a discussion can happened to discuss boundaries. Consent is key. Other players must be 18+.

05. Be kind! I try my very best to treat everyone with kindness and respect. I want everyone I interact with to have a good time, don't ruin that by being mean.